The ACPM is pleased to announce the certification of the first French Podcasting platform. This guarantees podcasters hosted on Ausha comparable measurements. Ausha now meets all the criteria recommended by the specifications imposed by the ACPM, which ensures that its figures are accurate and comparable to the podcast market. Now, any podcast broadcast by Ausha can claim to be included in the ACPM Rankings and commit to transparency in the dissemination of its figures. The ACPM Podcast figures will be sent out each month in the form of 3 rankings (Group, Brand & Podcast). The ACPM Podcast certification is available to all Podcasts, native or replay from 750€ per year.
About Ausha
The Ausha platform was launched in October 2018 by the iCreo Group, a specialist in digital audio. Today, it is the first platform dedicated to the hosting and distribution of podcasts in France. The platform’s customers include independent professionals as well as media such as the daily newspaper Libération and major accounts such as EDF, AXA, BNP Paribas and Décathlon.Created by Maxime Piquette and Charles de Potter, the iCreo group is also at the origin of RadioKing, the 1st French platform for web radio creation (3000 radio stations hosted in 170 countries). For more information:
About The ACPM
The ACPM (Alliance pour les chiffres de la presse et des médias) was born in December 2015 from the merger between the OJD (control of press distribution and the frequentation of sites and applications) and SAS AudiPresse (press audience measurement). Since this merger, the ACPM has expanded its missions by monitoring and certifying numerous media. For more information, please contact: